As some of you may know from my other blog,
I'm Walking the 3-Day, I am participating in the Susan G. Komen 3-Day for the Cure this November here in San Diego.
My dear friend Barb passed away this year after an heroic 5-year battle against breast cancer. I am walking in memory of Barb and for her struggle and to bring awareness about this horrid disease and its prevention.
A while back when I was looking for some good walking shoes for the (60 mile long!!!) walk I came across the coolest New Balance Lace Up for the Cure Shoes. Just check them out. How cool are they? Even better than the fact that they're pink is that they're customizable with your name or "in memory of" or whatever you want them to say! Fun!
New Balance also has other items in their Lace Up for the Cure line that are just as cute.
Check them out!
So you know I was super-excited when I saw that
Sweeps4Bloggers was
giving a pair away!
If you think these are as cool as I do just click here to head on over to the
giveaway post and carefully read the instructions and comment to win. It's that easy!
I'd love to hear what you're doing for Breast Cancer Awareness month this October or how you're honoring a friend or loved one with breast cancer.
Good luck!!! :)