If you don't already know, I heart Nordstrom! When I moved here to San Diego from Norman, Oklahoma in November of 2007, I told almost anyone who asked that my favorite thing about San Diego was Nordstrom!
I had, of course, heard of Nordstrom before I moved here, but I had never been to one of their stores. As soon as I moved here I learned why so many people love it. I could tell you I love their selection of designer clothes, their marvelous array of high heels, the fact that they carry one of my favorite cosmetics brands, Smashbox, or that their semi-annual sale is to die for! But, the one thing I like most about Norstrom are their amazing employees. Wheather I call for info, chat with an expert online or head into their store, each associate makes me feel like a million bucks. I especially love the men in the shoe department and the women in the cosmetics and perfume sections at our local Fashion Valley Norstrom.
So, I've gone through all of this rambling to let you know that Coture Nerd, one of my all-time favorite websites, is actually giving away a $200 Nordstrom gift card. I almost stopped breathing when I first saw the post! I was that excited.
CotureNerd.com launched in October 2009, but like they say, they've "grown immensly in 2010". I love thier posts on fashion, beauty and all of their awesome giveaways. This particualr giveaway is cetainly no exception!
If you'd like to enter, all you have to do is click here to head to their site and read the instructions to post a comment. They have tons of extra ways to enter, so be sure to scroll down and read all of the information.
Good luck!!! :)
I had, of course, heard of Nordstrom before I moved here, but I had never been to one of their stores. As soon as I moved here I learned why so many people love it. I could tell you I love their selection of designer clothes, their marvelous array of high heels, the fact that they carry one of my favorite cosmetics brands, Smashbox, or that their semi-annual sale is to die for! But, the one thing I like most about Norstrom are their amazing employees. Wheather I call for info, chat with an expert online or head into their store, each associate makes me feel like a million bucks. I especially love the men in the shoe department and the women in the cosmetics and perfume sections at our local Fashion Valley Norstrom.
So, I've gone through all of this rambling to let you know that Coture Nerd, one of my all-time favorite websites, is actually giving away a $200 Nordstrom gift card. I almost stopped breathing when I first saw the post! I was that excited.
CotureNerd.com launched in October 2009, but like they say, they've "grown immensly in 2010". I love thier posts on fashion, beauty and all of their awesome giveaways. This particualr giveaway is cetainly no exception!
If you'd like to enter, all you have to do is click here to head to their site and read the instructions to post a comment. They have tons of extra ways to enter, so be sure to scroll down and read all of the information.
Good luck!!! :)
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