I'm not the kind of girl who wants to receive a vacuum as a gift- not unless it's a Dyson! The thing is, Dyson vacuums are so much more than vacuums as far as I'm concerned; they're little pieces of design genius!
The first Dyson vacuum on the market took my breath away. I'd never seen a vacuum that wasn't black or red... and I'd never seen one that worked it worked either. Besides looking great, what makes a Dyson different? Instead of using suction to pull all of the debris out of your carpet they use a patented cyclone technology that never looses suction power- no matter what happens! Cool, huh?

Fast forward a few years and now Dyson has put they're smallest model ever out onto the market, the DC26. That's it next to those books in the picture above to give you a sense of scale. Tiny!
If you'd like to win a Dyson DC26 (and who wouldn't), just click here to head on over to Our Ordinary Life and read the instructions to comment to win. There are a ton of ways to earn entries so be sure to read the full list. I'm actually earning entries by posting this right now!
Good luck!!! :)
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